The VISION of the Yeshua SA is to spread the Love and Word of Christ Jesus Yeshua to the World, in order to help save the unsaved, and to keep planting the seeds of the Word of God in the hearts and minds of people we are serving and especially the next generation.
The mission of the Yeshua SA is to spread the Word of God to all the shepherds in the field, support missionary workers and evangelists, and equip new believers with the values in the Word of God. Yeshua SA executes this mission by supporting and developing new and updating current literature into all needed languages and with the best possible quality and cost to company. Yeshua SA fulfils this mission by facilitating importation, exportation, printing, and distributing of the Word of God in Bibles and Christian literature for Free to those in need. Yeshua SA combined mission is being a support structure for widows and orphans. Upliftment programs through ongoing and regular Praise and Worship projects, Evangelism and Gospel crusades to uplift the next generation and community. Yeshua SA is not bound to only serving in South Africa but the World. God already opened 22 countries and we are trusting Him for more to follow soon. Africa shall be saved, South Africa will be the model for missionaries going back to their own home countries to plant churches and be the missionary and Evangelist, Teacher, Pastor or Prophet on the ground. Yeshua. SA is trusting the Lord to add all the called sons and daughters, more laborers’ and also to give us the discernment for the wolves in sheep skin. All Honor and Praise belongs to God the Father, Yeshua the Christ, Holy Spirit for providing in all our needs and those we need to be a blessing too. Free Distribution always was and will still remain the focus point above all to give the undiluted Word of God in Printed format to the recipient in their own home language where possible, main focus will be English. Digital app YESHUA with the necessary Truth , the Way and the Life, protected by best possible security coding to be implemented when God provides the funds and vision. Kindhearted Children’s homes to be opened as God provides, Leads and Blesses us with Grounds and provide to build them where He deem fit, at His appointed time. Helping the elderly and extending an helping hand to previously disadvantaged persons and those in need. Random acts of kindness should be the focus not being a crutch for someone that they start believing you to supply, and no longer God Trusting God, it is wrong and idolatry. Being a good steward is very important and feedback and testimonies is expected to keep the sponsorship informed about what and where we are working. Details of Missionaries will be kept but not shared publicly for security reasons. As best you can let the left not know what the Right is doing. Planting of new multi racial churches and helping existing churches will continue along with the development and improvement of existing Christian organizations and churches already planted. Disciple making Disciple programs to be improved, implemented and taught regularly. Daily outreaches to spread the Love of Christ Yeshua, To tell people the True Gospel of Yeshua Jesus the Christ. He who wins souls is Wise. He is Alive and coming back soon, therefore be on your guard and be ready for Suddenly Yeshua will Return and or Suddenly you will be taken away. In a blink of an eye.
God will provide in His divine timing the facilities, resources and equipment to further this important work for His Kingdom. Always remember Freely you received and Freely you must give. Yeshua SA strives to do this work through the printing and or sourcing of printed Holy Bibles and Christian literature at the lowest possible prices. Yeshua SA strives to always deliver the best professional service and were possible ensure the best possible quality because it is the Word of GOD. Procurement and cost to the none profit company is areas of savings and negotiations. Always Pray and see guidance, Always Trusting in Yeshua to Provide in His Riches and Glory. Over 820 000 FREE Christian literature already out, He will do it again, Yeshua’s Provision. “Yeshua Himself gave some to be apostles, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to Unity of the Faith and of the Knowledge of the Son of God ,Yeshua, to a perfect man, to the measure of stature of the Fullness of Yeshua the Christ; that we should no longer be children, tossed to and from and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but, speaking the Truth in Love, may grow up in all things into Yeshua who is the head-Christ-from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does it’s share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in Love.” Eph. 4:11-16
The objectives of Yeshua SA are to:- promote good corporate governance in South Africa by empowering those who are charged with governance duties to effectively and legally discharge those duties; safeguard the integrity and status of directorship as a profession by serving as the professional body for directors and through offering a professional designation which serves to assess and credit mastery as a director; take a continuing and effective interest in legislative developments as this relates to governance and directors’ duties in order as far as possible to ensure that the Constitution of South Africa, 1996 is upheld and that a climate conducive to economic growth is maintained; uphold and maintain the concept of the corporate entity as a responsible corporate citizen and its role in a free enterprise economy; provide an effective voice for directors in public affairs; maintain and strengthen the bonds and reciprocity between the Yeshua SA and professional organizations with similar objectives within South Africa and in other parts of the World; undertake, provide and support or assist in research, thought leadership, guidance, advice, opportunities for peer interaction, education and training which may assist in the attainment or advancement of any of the objects of YSA as set out above; and do all such things as the Board determines would be in the furtherance of the objects set out above.
PRAISE THE LORD! Over 807 584 Bibles and Christian literature for children were given Freely to all the Lost and Found Sheep.